My Train just comes to a stop

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My Train just comes to a stop

#1 Beitrag von RobbyJHB »

I can be driving fine etcc then my train looses traction the brake cylinder pressure goes up the train slows down and comes to a stop, then I can never get it going again, where am i going wrong, I did not break any signal rules, i acknowledge the indusi and the sifa. It just looses power then slows down and comes to a stop, and I can never get it moving again.

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Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#2 Beitrag von Jamobatv »

Is there any sound when the train brakes (PZB-Warning, etc.)?

Which route and which train do you drive?
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Registriert: 07.08.2021 00:13:11

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#3 Beitrag von RobbyJHB »

No there is no sound or anything, the train just comes gradually very slowly to a stop ( like there is no more power to it) if i increase the power there is no response beside the KN gauge showing an increase, and the brake cylinder pressure wont drop, it drops as far as 2 and thats it no more, its happened with a couple of trains and a couple of roots now, so i dont think it is the route or anything, i think i am doing something wrong for that to occur.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 07.08.2021 00:13:11

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#4 Beitrag von RobbyJHB »

How do i add a picture here and then you can look at the diagnostic screen of the train

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Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#5 Beitrag von KlausMueller »

RobbyJHB hat geschrieben: 10.08.2021 14:53:01 How do i add a picture here and then you can look at the diagnostic screen of the train
Just go to the tab "Imgur" below the window wher you enter the text. There you can put the pic by drag&drop.


Then a link appears below and a button on the right of it which allows to place the picture link in your post.

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Registriert: 07.08.2021 00:13:11

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#6 Beitrag von RobbyJHB »

See the brake pressure cylinder gauge is at 1/2 bar and it stays there, and then there is a G symbol with arrows above bremse


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Registriert: 07.08.2021 00:13:11

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#7 Beitrag von RobbyJHB »

Another example


Alwin Meschede
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Aktuelle Projekte: Zusi3 Objektbau

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#8 Beitrag von Alwin Meschede »

The brakes of your train are overloaded (pressure in the main pipe is way higher than the normal 5 bar).
Do you use a joystick, Raildriver or something like that?
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Registriert: 07.08.2021 00:13:11

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#9 Beitrag von RobbyJHB »

I use my old CH flight yoke cause it has three axis levers on it and it works to increase power, for train brakes and dynamic brakes etc.

Jens Haupert
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Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#10 Beitrag von Jens Haupert »

You have to ensure that in the neutral position of your yoke a HL (main pipe) pressure of 5 bar is set.

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Registriert: 07.08.2021 00:13:11

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#11 Beitrag von RobbyJHB »

Oh okay, and how do I do that? also what do I do to reset the situation without starting the whole route again.

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Registriert: 07.08.2021 00:13:11

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#12 Beitrag von RobbyJHB »

I finally found my problem, I was driving with the train brake valve lever all the way to the furthest notch, what is that highest notch used for cause when in that detent it increases brake pressure.

Thanks for the help

F. Schn.
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Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#13 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

RobbyJHB hat geschrieben: 10.08.2021 17:56:28 Oh okay, and how do I do that? also what do I do to reset the situation without starting the whole route again.
Activating the Autopilot should reset the problem.
Diese Signatur möchte folgendes bekannter machen: ZusiWiki · ZusiSK: Streckenprojekte · YouTube: Objektbau für Zusi · euirc: Zusi-Chat

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Re: My Train just comes to a stop

#14 Beitrag von SörenG »

RobbyJHB hat geschrieben: 10.08.2021 19:31:37 I finally found my problem, I was driving with the train brake valve lever all the way to the furthest notch, what is that highest notch used for cause when in that detent it increases brake pressure.
Yes, that's it. While driving, the train brake should be in the second highest notch.
