Performance question

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Registriert: 23.03.2021 23:34:57

Performance question

#1 Beitrag von fakenham1 »

Just wondering what folks performance is like around busy stations like Kassel. I'm generally getting butter smooth 60fps but it drops significantly at the busier areas (<30fps). Running a i7700k with a GTX1080 card. Old but still not bad. Graphics card not breaking a sweat, I guess it's CPU bound (just using 1 core?)
I wonder if there's anything I can do to increase fps. Below 50 the fps jumps a bit which lends to slightly jerky experience which is a shame because when Zusi runs at 60fps it's the smoothest sim out there! I've been using the frame locks etc, but I guess it's going to be impossible to get 60fps at the busier areas?

F. Schn.
Beiträge: 6751
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Performance question

#2 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

You can't do much here. Busy stations contains things, that should be optimized at runtime, but Zusi can't do this. Yes, Zusi runs only single core.

The only tradeof is to reduce visibility range at low frame rates in Grpahic+Sound settings.

Edit due to Carsten: There is a second thread that can use a second processor core and therefore gets out of the way of the big main thread, but in the end it doesn't do much.
Zuletzt geändert von F. Schn. am 15.03.2024 00:14:23, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Diese Signatur möchte folgendes bekannter machen: ZusiWiki · ZusiSK: Streckenprojekte · YouTube: Objektbau für Zusi · euirc: Zusi-Chat

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 23.03.2021 23:34:57

Re: Performance question

#3 Beitrag von fakenham1 »

Thanks for your reply, I thought so, maybe in the future Zusi will be able to run on extra cores or transfer some CPU load to GPU, but I guess it'll be a heck of a lot of work/near impossible to do. In any case, what we have at the moment is so good, loving the attention to details in this sim, and the vast amount of routes to run. Really liking the sharp looking scenery as well, some really nice scenery detailing I've noticed now that I'm running on a larger screen with 4K. Great sim.

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33496
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Performance question

#4 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Zusi itself uses two cores. If you have cabs with ZusiDiplay then more cores will be used.

