Braking handling in loc 189

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Registriert: 17.10.2019 20:59:06
Wohnort: Netherlands

Braking handling in loc 189

#1 Beitrag von janamdo »

Last saterday, i went with my brother on the train loaded wirh ore to from Rotterdam to Koblenz.
Coupled locs 189 as master and slave is needed for this heavy loaded train.
The 189 loc has a automatic coupler ( kupplung ) type, not found on the BR 193 loc.
The BR 193 Vectron loc is not the right loc for driving a ore train.

This ore train must be running and prevent from much stopping underways by other trains.
It was also sometimes misty along the Rhine river bank, so the signalling was not always easy to see in the cab.
With thick mist, the train must slow down in order to see the signalling.

Showned to me, that the motorbrake can be operated independly from the trainbrake air brake (there is push knob on top of the brake handle to couple the air brake on/off ).
Where to find this in Zusi3

Note: in Zusi3 simulator the traincab movement is rather static when driving, but in practice for the freighttrain br 189, the traincab it is a little bit jumping from left to right when passing tracks(switch) and less jumping on the straight Railway.
This cab movement simulated in Zusi 3 should be give a more realistic feeling.
Zuletzt geändert von janamdo am 03.12.2019 00:15:02, insgesamt 8-mal geändert.

Flo Zille
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Registriert: 15.05.2018 09:06:32

Re: Braking handling in loc 189

#2 Beitrag von Flo Zille »

Generally, to control dynamic locomotive brakes separately, use the 9/6/3 numpad keys, right next to the enter key. (6 to reset, 3 to pull the lever towards you, and 9 to push away from you.)

Of course you can change the key bindings in settings, look for "Dynamische Bremse".

Beiträge: 148
Registriert: 17.10.2019 20:59:06
Wohnort: Netherlands

Re: Braking handling in loc 189

#3 Beitrag von janamdo »

I will look at this

Beiträge: 148
Registriert: 17.10.2019 20:59:06
Wohnort: Netherlands

Re: Braking handling in loc 189

#4 Beitrag von janamdo »

I remember from the train journey last weekend that at a point in the route along the Rhine bank, the safety system changes to ECTS -level 2 in the Cab ?
A whole new handling with this compared with PZB .
It is a BR 189 loc
Is this also simulated in Zusi 3 ?..answer : not yet i think

Replacing all PZB and LZB systems in Germany to be finished by 2027 .. is that realistic ?
Germany will start replacing all its PZB and LZB systems in 2015, to be finished by 2027.[70] During 2014 it was planned to use a dual equipment for the four main freight corridors to comply with the EC 913/2010 regulation. Further testing showed that a full ETCS system can increase capacity by 5-10% leading into a new concept "Zukunft Bahn" to accelerate the deployment, presented in December 2015.[99] The overall cost reduction of about half a billion euro may be reinvested to complete the switch to ETCS that may take about 15 years.[99] The Deutsche Bahn expects to get further federal funding after the next German federal elections in 2017.[100][101] In a first step, another 1750 km of existing railway lines are planned to be equipped with ETCS until 2023, focusing on the Rhine-Alpine corridor, the Paris–Southwest Germany corridor and border-crossing lines.[
Priority is on the 1450 km Rhine Corridor that is about to be equipped with ETCS Level 2.[43] Bringing ETCS to the corridor has been agreed on at the EU level in 2016 as part of the TEN Core network that has expectations set to 2023.[39] The Digital Rail project of 2018 has set the completion date to 2022 for using ETCS Level 2[43] while Switzerland intends to switch to ETCS Level 2 no later than 2025.[42] Switzerland is expecting an increase in capacity of 30% that will probably come out the same on congested sections along the Rhine.
Zuletzt geändert von janamdo am 04.12.2019 12:47:00, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

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Re: Braking handling in loc 189

#5 Beitrag von jonathanp »

Is this also simulated in Zusi 3 ?..answer : not yet i think
It was added recently. The "VDE8" route was built to enable use of this feature. If you load the VDE8\Erfurt-Theuern_2019_4-10Uhr.fpn timetable, all services in the Erfurt - Theurn and Theurn - Erfurt train groups run under ETCS Level 2.
Autor - Zusi 3 C++ Client, - Das Zusi3 Addon-Datenbank

Beiträge: 148
Registriert: 17.10.2019 20:59:06
Wohnort: Netherlands

Re: Braking handling in loc 189

#6 Beitrag von janamdo »

That's interesting how this train must be driven then.
This evening i enter this traincab and see how it works

I am now in a Vectron loc (BR 193 equipped with the etcs safety system, but i must be study this.
Wondering myself how this driving with the ECTS-lev 2 differs from PZB driving ?

There is no reaction anymore needed on a signal outside the train with ECTS -lev 2 ?
Zuletzt geändert von janamdo am 05.12.2019 14:51:28, insgesamt 6-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 148
Registriert: 17.10.2019 20:59:06
Wohnort: Netherlands

Re: Braking handling in loc 189

#7 Beitrag von janamdo »

Get a better handling and idea to drive ICE train with ETCS-lv 2, but the ICE seems to slow reacting on the power handle
Speed accelaration goes very slow.
Or do i miss something :)

The Vectron 193 has only 4000 m for distance permission (react well on traction power ) : fixed ? in comparison with ICE for 32.000 m: scalable distance permission. ( ICE goes faster then Vectron 193)
Note: when in Germany driving BR 189 loc along the rhine bank , the traindriver could chance the scale of the drive permission higher then 4000 m for the BR 189 loc ( Vectron BR 193 : max 4000 m)
Zuletzt geändert von janamdo am 09.12.2019 15:03:55, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
