Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

Hey folks, everyone speaking English may write in this category!
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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#41 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

VMPP hat geschrieben: 25.03.2024 11:50:51 Hi

I was checking the manual, and all menus and couldn't find the option.
or maybe it has been answered already..

When there is a Zuwsi update, like now the 204, how do we update the program with the new routes and timetables?
Hi, sorry for not getting back sooner, i have been very busy lately, moving home, plus also started a new train program that will display all the trains on the London Underground live, but hey thats another
program entirely :-)

You will have to wait for me to update the database in Zusi Route Finder, i will post an update on here as soon as i am able to do that.

In the meantime just make sure you backup your database now and again using the menu option... Database > Backup...



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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#42 Beitrag von VMPP »

Ahh ok

I thought you were picking the database straight from the timetables.
Will be waiting for your update!!


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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#43 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

New Release 2 of Zusi Route Finder nearly ready.... this is for the latest version of Zusi..... version

Database will have 18,789 routes compared with the previous version of route finder which had 15,272 routes

Coming soon :tup ;)

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#44 Beitrag von SevenThunders »


There are links to a new release about to be posted, however, if you are a current user of Zusi Route Finder then please read the following BEFORE uninstalling your current version and switching to the new version....

Make sure you have....

1. Backed up or have copies of any pictures you have added to the Zusi Route Finder Gallery folder.
If you are not sure where that folder is you can easily find it using Zusi Route Finder... start
the program then under the Gallery menu select: Open the User Gallery folder in Explorer...

2. If you have added Notes to routes, or Bookmarked some of them then this is your chance to back them
up before uninstalling your current version.
The first thing to remember is that Zusi Route Finder has a built in Backup and Restore which we will
cover in a moment and it will try to transfer your old Notes and Bookmarks to the new version of Route
Finder however this may not always be possible, for example if a route is no longer available or has been moved to another folder then Route Finder may not be able to find it.
So if you have any important Notes that you definitely do not want to lose then you should may be copy
them and paste them into text files outside of Route Finder before continuing.
You can copy the text in any Note quite easily by clicking with the mouse into the Note, then right
click and select... Select All, then right click again and select Copy... you can then paste the text
into any other program.
Okay now to Backup your current Notes and Bookmarks.... in Route Finder under the Database menu select:
Backup... a save file dialog box will appear asking you for a name for the backup, make sure you pick
a folder (such as your Documents folder) and a file name you can remember and click the Save button.

3. You can now uninstall the old version of Zusi Route Finder.

4. Install the latest version of Zusi Route Finder and start it up... but do not create any Bookmarks or
write any new Notes yet. You need to restore your old Notes etc first...

5. Under the Database menu select: Restore... a select backup file dialog box will open, find the backup
file you saved from the previous version of route finder (that you created in step 2 above) and click Open.
A Restore Backup Options dialog will appear... you can read more about all the options on this in the
Zusi Route Finder help manual but for now we need to make sure of a couple of settings...
Make sure the 'Restore All...' radio button is selected and then in the box below that make sure that
'Overwrite with data in backup' is selected.
Click the Restore Backup button.

Route Finder will attempt to restore your backup data, after which an Info dialog box will pop up telling
you how many routes were successfully restored and how many could not be restored.

As mentioned previously the main reason for not being able to restore a route is because that route is no longer available in Zusi or has had other changes such as being moved to
another timetable folder.

Click the Close button on the Restore dialog box.

You can now have a look and see what routes have had there data restored.

And then start using Zusi Route Finder again!

Zuletzt geändert von SevenThunders am 21.09.2024 16:36:33, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#45 Beitrag von SevenThunders »


Zusi Route Finder - Release 2 - for Zusi

if you are first time user of Zusi Route Finder or you have just started using Zusi then you should download this version of route finder.
If you are already using route finder then please read my previous post about backing up your data etc before installing this release.

Main program (includes help manual in english):
https://mega.nz/file/MD0WXAgR#epZyx_v6H ... SbELG9RbiI

Manual as a seperate download:
https://mega.nz/file/0Wcy3a5D#f5nsqF1gP ... VMc6T0lY8U

I hope you find the program useful :tup


Zuletzt geändert von SevenThunders am 21.09.2024 16:25:51, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 38
Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#46 Beitrag von SevenThunders »


Zusi Route Finder - Release 2 - for Zusi

I have now uploaded the program and manual to Megaupload instead of Google Drive, here are the new links to download.....

If you are first time user of Zusi Route Finder or you have just started using Zusi then you should download this version of route finder.

If you are already using route finder then please read my previous post about backing up your data etc before installing this release.

Main program (includes help manual in english):
https://mega.nz/file/MD0WXAgR#epZyx_v6H ... SbELG9RbiI

Manual as a seperate download:
https://mega.nz/file/0Wcy3a5D#f5nsqF1gP ... VMc6T0lY8U

I hope you find the program useful :tup


Zuletzt geändert von SevenThunders am 21.09.2024 16:21:45, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 38
Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#47 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

Japo32 hat geschrieben: 21.01.2024 18:51:22 Thanks for the answer! Yes, I am looking in the travel time, but as you can see here, it says 1:XX:xx AM so no time duration but an hour. So I have to have something wrong.
Here the image: https://gyazo.com/5f419a1e2de1d890e38d99a317809955


Just to say that i should have a fix for the Travel Times in the next release.


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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#48 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

Zusi Route Finder - Release 3 - for Zusi

If you are first time user of Zusi Route Finder or you have just started using Zusi then you should download this version of route finder.

If you are already using route finder then please read my previous post about backing up your database etc before installing this release.

This release was simply to fix the Travel Time column and spinners which were being affected by Regional Settings in Windows (read further on if you need more details)

Main program (includes help manual in english):
https://mega.nz/file/gH9CTIyD#8A9retkRY ... myNFva7vSs

Manual as a seperate download:
https://mega.nz/file/teVXETJT#8CDvXSBk7 ... 8d1D9u3PXg

I hope you find the program useful :tup




In previous versions, if in Windows, under Settings – Regional Format you had your Long Time set to a 12 hour format, i.e. with AM or PM then the Hours:Minutes:Seconds of the Travel Time was also affected. This is now not the case.
This does not affect the Start Time, which will use the same settings as you have in Windows under Regional Format – Long Time, so if you have set this to 12 hour (with AM PM) then thats how Route Finder will display the Start Time.
Note that Route Finder was designed with all Windows times (Short and Long) set to a 24 hour format to avoid any output issues like this.

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#49 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

This is mainly aimed at the developers.... am i right in saying that the files that Zusi routes were originally stored in (XML files?) have now been changed to another file type?

If so... then Zusi Route Finder can no longer be updated from the current version :(

Carsten Hölscher
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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#50 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Can you give an example please?

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#51 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

Carsten Hölscher hat geschrieben: 26.11.2024 17:22:02 Can you give an example please?
Ahh, sorry Carsten, my bad, i was looking in the wrong folder... however while you are here, am i correct in saying that some new routes have been added to the France folder?

F. Schn.
Beiträge: 7441
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#52 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

SevenThunders hat geschrieben: 26.11.2024 17:24:06 am i correct in saying that some new routes have been added to the France folder?
Yes, a small TGV high speed rail route.
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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#53 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

F. Schn. hat geschrieben: 26.11.2024 19:07:35
SevenThunders hat geschrieben: 26.11.2024 17:24:06 am i correct in saying that some new routes have been added to the France folder?
Yes, a small TGV high speed rail route.
Ahh, yes, unfortunately Zusi Route Finder will not see these because they do not have corresponding timetable.xml files like the Deutschland routes.

F. Schn.
Beiträge: 7441
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#54 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

There are several (but few) timetables, that do not have a .timetable.xml, also in Germany. If they don't have the .timetable.xml file, it will be created at runtime. Neiter is a *.trn file required. It can be also integrated into the *.fpn file (also several but few examples).
Diese Signatur möchte folgendes bekannter machen: ZusiWiki · ZusiSK: Streckenprojekte · YouTube: Objektbau für Zusi · euirc: Zusi-Chat

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#55 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

F. Schn. hat geschrieben: 26.11.2024 22:43:11 There are several (but few) timetables, that do not have a .timetable.xml, also in Germany. If they don't have the .timetable.xml file, it will be created at runtime. Neiter is a *.trn file required. It can be also integrated into the *.fpn file (also several but few examples).
A runtime file is no good for me to access since i store all routes in 1 file before the app is shipped, however i may have a look at an .fpn file to see if i can perhaps grab a timetable from that, if so then i can maybe include it.


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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#56 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

Hi all, i am aware of the update to version of the game and as soon as i have time i will test an update for Zusi Route Finder... i am just a little busy at the moment


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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#57 Beitrag von verkehrsfotograf »

Hello, i have a question?
Will it also be in German or just in English?
LG, David B :D

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#58 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

verkehrsfotograf hat geschrieben: 04.01.2025 13:40:58 Hello, i have a question?
Will it also be in German or just in English?
Just english for now, thanks

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#59 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

I just did a test run of the database for the new version of Zusi Route Finder (for and the previous version ( has 18789 routes in the database and this new version will have 19945 routes!

Cool :tup

The devs have been busy :D

And a heads up for current users.... use Zusi Route Finders Database backup (and make sure to keep a copy of any Gallery pictures of your own that you have added) before uninstalling the current version of Zusi Route Finder.

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#60 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

New version of Zusi Route Finder coming today.... also, i may have a go sometime at creating a German version, although it will only be the UI and menus that i translate and possibly not the manual, i cannot promise this because i am very busy on my new free program called Underground Alive

