Train 11013

Hey folks, everyone speaking English may write in this category!
Beiträge: 69
Registriert: 17.02.2020 19:18:50

Train 11013

#1 Beitrag von VMPP »


I'm trying to drive train 11013 on the marchbahn eiderbrucke-westerland 2018 4-14.

I close the doors as soon as the departure order is given, move the power lever, and nothing happens!!!
Do I need to do anything more? is it an issue with this train?

I was trying to drive another train,
dstp8902.. Salzkotten_Bestwig-Kassel_Fahrplan1981_12Uhr-19Uhr\Dstp8902.trn

Same issue...
Maybe something with the ´'push train' types....

Beiträge: 462
Registriert: 23.04.2023 10:21:46
Aktuelle Projekte: Moderner Fiktiver Fahrplan Weserbergland
Wohnort: Flensburg

Re: Train 11013

#2 Beitrag von timo74 »

Unfortunately, there is a problem with the driver's cab. The settings in the driver's cab do not match the diesel-electric drive of the 245. This did not occur for a long time, as the 245 was equipped with hydrodynamic diesel drive for a long time until the DE drive was introduced in Zusi.
Zusi Steam Version in der aktuellen Version

Beiträge: 69
Registriert: 17.02.2020 19:18:50

Re: Train 11013

#3 Beitrag von VMPP »

But is there any solution to this, or just wait for an upgrade?

Beiträge: 462
Registriert: 23.04.2023 10:21:46
Aktuelle Projekte: Moderner Fiktiver Fahrplan Weserbergland
Wohnort: Flensburg

Re: Train 11013

#4 Beitrag von timo74 »

The problem is that diesel-electric locomotives cannot cope with the speed setting, unlike three-phase locomotives. Since it works, the driver's cab file of the 483 must be set to tractive power. If you do this, make sure that the file is saved in the public folder. So that if something goes wrong you can delete it there again to restore the original state.
Zusi Steam Version in der aktuellen Version
