Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

Hey folks, everyone speaking English may write in this category!
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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#21 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

timo74 hat geschrieben: 03.11.2023 17:49:12 That sounds good. :tup
I give you all a link to the manual for now... it is virtually finished apart from the Tutorial and maybe some other small additions.... other than that i just have a dialog to do in the main program plus the installation setup and some testing of that, then release! :tup

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CcBMX2 ... sp=sharing

If you cannot read the manual then let me know.

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#22 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

The tutorial in the manual is now complete, link to manual in my previous post.

So i can now get on with some final testing and the installation, then done! :)

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#23 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

Release 1 is now available....

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QYmMTC ... sp=sharing

Note that if you have any questions i will try to get back to you as soon as i can, however my life is going through a bit of an upheaval at the moment to say the least so i may not reply for a while.
It does not mean i have abandoned the program, far from it, just that i am too busy to reply but will do as soon as i can.

I hope some of you find the program useful.



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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#24 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

I am looking at adding an option to the Filter panel to allow you to search for places where the train stops or passes through... basically you are searching the place names in all the Timetables.

Because at the moment you can only search for places in the Route name.

Would this be a useful addition?

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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#25 Beitrag von VMPP »

Just one question

Where does it differ significantly from the zusidatenbank website?

And how do I filter?
I tried to use the pull down menu, but I have no results to filter by a 101, for example...

Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#26 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

VMPP hat geschrieben: 31.12.2023 21:15:22 Just one question

Where does it differ significantly from the zusidatenbank website?

And how do I filter?
I tried to use the pull down menu, but I have no results to filter by a 101, for example...
Hello, it is faster than zusidatenbank because that is web based.

It tells you most of what you need to know about filtering/searching in the manual, for example if you just want to find all trains driven by a 101 class train... down the left of the screen you will see the current Filter, first click the Reset
button at the top and then click Yes, now if you left click into the dropdown that says 'All Vehicles' you can enter any train class here to search for, so if you type 101 and then press the Enter key all the Routes that contain a 101 class train will
now be shown on the right... there should be 329 routes.

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Registriert: 18.01.2024 17:47:49

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#27 Beitrag von Japo32 »

Hello, I am using your wonderful program but I have an issue. In the tutorial you say that the travel time is in hours, but what I read in the program is time as 12:35:00 AM so that is an exact time but not travelling time. I don't know what I am doing wrong?

And another question. I see that there are 15272routes (files I guess) to select). but the ones I have from steam version are maybe 70 fpn files? For example with the 403 locomotive I see a file called Kassel-FGTB-Lehrte_2020_06Uhr-10Uhr.fpn that is inside the Hamburg_Kassel folder. when I go to that folder I don't see that file and others like that. So I guess there is a place to download those timetables, but where? because in Steam at the same question from someone, people says that updates comes from main program updates.... so.... I don't know. Confused :wand

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Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#28 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

Japo32 hat geschrieben: 21.01.2024 01:32:15 Hello, I am using your wonderful program but I have an issue. In the tutorial you say that the travel time is in hours, but what I read in the program is time as 12:35:00 AM so that is an exact time but not travelling time. I don't know what I am doing wrong?

And another question. I see that there are 15272routes (files I guess) to select). but the ones I have from steam version are maybe 70 fpn files? For example with the 403 locomotive I see a file called Kassel-FGTB-Lehrte_2020_06Uhr-10Uhr.fpn that is inside the Hamburg_Kassel folder. when I go to that folder I don't see that file and others like that. So I guess there is a place to download those timetables, but where? because in Steam at the same question from someone, people says that updates comes from main program updates.... so.... I don't know. Confused :wand
Hi, i am glad that you like the program, to answer your questions...

1. The travel time is in Hours, Minutes and Seconds... so, 00:35:50 would be 35 minutes and 50 seconds... make sure you are looking at the column that says 'Travel Time' at the top, NOT the column that says 'Start Time'

2. Each .fpn file in Zusi holds many many routes and not just one, you need to load that .fpn file into Zusi and then find the route via its Route 'number' which is given in Zusi Route Finder under the 'Number' column, please read the Zusi Route Finder .pdf manual that tells you all this.



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Registriert: 18.01.2024 17:47:49

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#29 Beitrag von Japo32 »

Thanks for the answer! Yes, I am looking in the travel time, but as you can see here, it says 1:XX:xx AM so no time duration but an hour. So I have to have something wrong.
Here the image: https://gyazo.com/5f419a1e2de1d890e38d99a317809955

about the file. Yes, you are right, each one has multiple ones, but as you can see in this other image: https://gyazo.com/5ee1c1c2d26abbb5f70b7f018a0f73c0
it points me into a fpn that I don't have in my drive as you can see in this other image:

so maybe I need to download something, or the program has a bug there?


Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 25.08.2023 13:27:37

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#30 Beitrag von SevenThunders »

Japo32 hat geschrieben: 21.01.2024 18:51:22 Thanks for the answer! Yes, I am looking in the travel time, but as you can see here, it says 1:XX:xx AM so no time duration but an hour. So I have to have something wrong.
Here the image: https://gyazo.com/5f419a1e2de1d890e38d99a317809955

about the file. Yes, you are right, each one has multiple ones, but as you can see in this other image: https://gyazo.com/5ee1c1c2d26abbb5f70b7f018a0f73c0
it points me into a fpn that I don't have in my drive as you can see in this other image:

so maybe I need to download something, or the program has a bug there?


Hi again, to answer your questions....

1. okay, i do not know what is happening with your travel times, mine are all okay as you can see from the screen shot, maybe it has something to do with windows settings, if anyone else has this problem then i will look into it.


And this shows the route number you chose.....


2. what version of Zusi are you using? The database in Zusi Route Finder was created for version of Zusi, if you are not using that version then some of the routes in Zusi Route Finder may not be in your version of Zusi, again it tells you this on the very first page of the manual that comes with Zusi Route Finder.



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Registriert: 18.01.2024 17:47:49

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#31 Beitrag von Japo32 »

The about of Route Finder says Zusi version it is The Steam version. The bad travel time (for me the most important of all). Ok.. I found the culprit of the time. In region I have set the hour short and long as AM/PM If set about not AM/PM then ok. It would be nice to be changed, as this is due to some programs to make them work correctly.

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Registriert: 18.01.2024 17:47:49

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#32 Beitrag von Japo32 »

I still have the problem with missing routes. For example the folder Lehrte_Harburg is missing in my installation and I don't know why, where too look to download it, or whatever, but it is in loco193 pointing at it.
but I only have this ones:


F. Schn.
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Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#33 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

This is correct. The folder is obsolete with the last AddOn 202 and had been replaced by Hamburg-Kassel.

I don't know what you want to say with "but it is in loco193 pointing at it"?
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Registriert: 18.01.2024 17:47:49

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#34 Beitrag von Japo32 »

What I mean, is that if I search for the loco 193 there are a good number of routes that it seems to be obsolete. So that makes a lot of confusion, as that route is not present in zusi3. So I suppose those routes should be removed from the program. Any that the folders are not present.

F. Schn.
Beiträge: 7085
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#35 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

There are two things, that might have happend:
a) Maybe you have created "a mod" by modifying the existing timetable with the Zusi editor. In this case the timetable might still be present in the Zusi-Mod-Folder (Usually <Public Documtents>\Zusi3Steam). You can remove it.
b) Maybe SevenThunders has implemented some kind of cacheing. In this case maybe Seven knows further information.

That are my ideas yet.
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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#36 Beitrag von VMPP »


I was checking the manual, and all menus and couldn't find the option.
or maybe it has been answered already..

When there is a Zuwsi update, like now the 204, how do we update the program with the new routes and timetables?

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33749
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#37 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Steam or stick version?


F. Schn.
Beiträge: 7085
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#38 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

Does your question refer to Zusi Route Finder (so only SevenThunders can answer it) or to Zusi itself?
Diese Signatur möchte folgendes bekannter machen: ZusiWiki · ZusiSK: Streckenprojekte · YouTube: Objektbau für Zusi · euirc: Zusi-Chat

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Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#39 Beitrag von VMPP »

@Carsten - Stick version

@F.Schn - Refering to the Route Finder. I still have the same timetables as when installed and can't/don't know how to update it.

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33749
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Zusi Route Finder - Free program coming soon for Zusi users

#40 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Sorry, this chapter ha snot been translated yet. Please take a look at chapter 8 of the German manual. Maybe google translator can help you.

