Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

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Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#1 Beitrag von Vern »

Sorry, another post as I get up to speed here.

Aerosoft Edition...

Noticed after install no link to the Gleisplan (route) editor on the desktop and no executable in the 64bit folder.

After a bit of searching I found it in the 32 bit install. Can I assume this is correct and that route building needs to be done in 32 bit only?

And after trying to run the editor, both from the desktop shortcut I created and the folder it doesn't seem to want to launch the programme. Have tried setting compatibility to Windows 7 but still refuses to run. Any suggestions, please?
Zuletzt geändert von Vern am 23.02.2024 11:57:43, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Re: Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#2 Beitrag von yxyx »

Correct, the "Gleisplaneditor" is only available as 32 bit version.

Best regards

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33630
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#3 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

I think it needs some registry information. Please start ZusiDateiverwaltung with admin privileges, enter the settings and press ok.
Try again then.


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Registriert: 30.12.2003 15:45:49
Wohnort: UK.

Re: Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#4 Beitrag von Vern »

I tried that Carsten but neither the 32 bit or 64 bit ZusiDateiverwaltung will run.

Maybe something went wrong with the Steam install which seemed to run very slowly. About to uninstall and reinstall, see what happens. If it prompts me to install the 32 bit version then I will opt for that, as it seems the Steam/Aerosoft version you have to choose at the time of install.

I'll keep you posted.

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33630
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#5 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

What does "will not run" mean? Does it produce an error message?


Beiträge: 142
Registriert: 30.12.2003 15:45:49
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Re: Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#6 Beitrag von Vern »

By "will not run", I mean the exe will not start. Mouse pointer flickers for a second or two and nothing happens.

It is not showing in the taskbar or Task manager. Basically, click on the launch icon and nothing happens!

Only just finishing the reinstall so it will be tomorrow before I can check if that has solved the issue. Also Steam does not prompt whether to choose the 32 or 64 bit version as mentioned in another forum thread.

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Registriert: 30.12.2003 15:45:49
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Re: Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#7 Beitrag von Vern »

I do believe it's a hardware issue at my end. The editor is not opening on the laptop, but when I go upstairs on the main PC both ZusiDateiverwaltung and the Gleisplan editor open without a problem.

I will investigate further tomorrow though rather strange as both machines running Windows 10, could it be on the laptop I need to associate Zusi with the Nvidia GPU rather than Intel graphics?

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33630
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#8 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

The Verwaltung should always start. It doesn't use any graphics or registry info or anything at all.


Beiträge: 142
Registriert: 30.12.2003 15:45:49
Wohnort: UK.

Re: Gleisplan Editor - Only 32 Bit?

#9 Beitrag von Vern »

Happy to report all up and running on the laptop now.

Looks as though it was a corrupt install but uninstalling then reinstalling the programme has fixed the problem.

As to what I can do with the editor remains to be seen, first thing I need to do is work out how to import a simple upscaled model or miniature railway plan to work on, teach myself the basics. Working with Transdem will come at a later stage, but it would be nice to get a DB version of the Fort William to Mallaig or Central Wales Line from Craven Arms to Pantyffynnon in there eventually!
