Westerland Sylt

Hey folks, everyone speaking English may write in this category!
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: 22.04.2020 15:41:59

Westerland Sylt

#1 Beitrag von LCYCowboy »

I am still completely confused about what happens when I approach Westerland.

I keep getting a Zwangsbremsung (in the Fahrtenschreiber it shows up as 500 Hz Magnet nach Befreiung). I slowed down to below 30kmh well below the 50kmh starts, I acknowledged PZB everytime I passed any magnet on the track, but I still get a Zwangsbremsung!

What am I doing wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.

MfG aus Brexitland,


F. Schn.
Beiträge: 7065
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Westerland Sylt

#2 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

Did you switch Zusi to English? "500 Hz Magnet nach Befreiung" is "500 Hz magnet after self-release" (You pressed PZB release (,) before reaching 500 Hz magnet.)
Diese Signatur möchte folgendes bekannter machen: ZusiWiki · ZusiSK: Streckenprojekte · YouTube: Objektbau für Zusi · euirc: Zusi-Chat

Christian Sch.
Beiträge: 402
Registriert: 15.01.2009 23:29:56
Aktuelle Projekte: Gesundheit geht vor...
Wohnort: Haidlfing

Re: Westerland Sylt

#3 Beitrag von Christian Sch. »


your problem here is the fact that you ended restricted mode by pressing ",". That is only allowed under certain conditions: No 1000Hz or 500Hz magnets or signal aspects indicating less than 40 km/h for the next 400 meters (I hope, I got that right ...).


Beiträge: 33
Registriert: 22.04.2020 15:41:59

Re: Westerland Sylt

#4 Beitrag von LCYCowboy »

Thanks for the replies.

I don't remember pressing the Frei Taste, but I must have done.

I'll try again. Thanks for all the answers.

Beiträge: 186
Registriert: 16.04.2020 08:05:23
Wohnort: Dresden

Re: Westerland Sylt

#5 Beitrag von snookerfan »

LCYCowboy hat geschrieben:I don't remember pressing the Frei Taste, but I must have done.
...this should have happened the entry signal of Westerland. This is often a reflex to press "PZB-frei" if you pass a signal for which you got a 1000 Hz influence. In the Westerland case you shouldn't press "frei" as mentioned before (and you need'nt as without the 500 Hz magnet it would restrict you to 85 km/h which is way more that you can actually go there so it doesn't bother you).
