Unexpected 85km/h limit

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Registriert: 20.01.2020 13:11:21

Unexpected 85km/h limit

#1 Beitrag von jwebb »

Leaving Göttingen platform B with a 401 with a Hp1 signal and no speed restriction on the signal, the timetable indicates I should be able to accelerate to 120km/h . But when I reach 85km/h I get an emergency brake application. If I stay at 85km/h until the ¥ location then all is good.

The tachograph shows the protection limit steps down rapidly from the starting point to 85km/h.

i) why is there a 85km/h limit here?
ii) what tells me, when I am waiting to depart, that I have to limit my speed to 85km/h?


F. Schn.
Beiträge: 6823
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Unexpected 85km/h limit

#2 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

Which timetable-file and which train-number?

You get an emergency stop at 45 km/h if you don't quit PZB restriktiv. But I think this is not what you are talking about.

(Remarks: I don't have a clue what you mean with "platform B")
Zuletzt geändert von F. Schn. am 20.01.2020 18:39:03, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 20.01.2020 13:11:21

Re: Unexpected 85km/h limit

#3 Beitrag von jwebb »

For example: Timetables\Deutschland\SFS_Goettingen_Kassel\SFS_Goettingen-Kassel_Fahrplan2013_14Uhr-23Uhr\ICE-A373.trn

But I get the same thing happening with all trains from Göttingen and also those from Kassel.

The stop happens at 85km/h - the tachograph indicates that the train protection speed has dropped from 165km/h (in the platform) to 158 km/h to 115 km/h then to 85km/h.

Apologies, I meant platform 10!

F. Schn.
Beiträge: 6823
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Unexpected 85km/h limit

#4 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

Sorry, I can't reproduce. Is indicator 85 on (non-flashing) and 70, 55, 1000Hz, 500 Hz, Befehl 40 and Ü off before you get the emergency break?
Zuletzt geändert von F. Schn. am 20.01.2020 19:43:27, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 20.01.2020 13:11:21

Re: Unexpected 85km/h limit

#5 Beitrag von jwebb »

Thanks for your help! Though I'm very curious as to why the limit is 85km/h (rather than the timetable 120km/h) at this location, it's not a major issue now I know about it.

I've just tested train A373.

I start with '85' (not flashing) (and, of course, 'B'). All other indicators are off.

For this test I set AFB to 80 and accelerated (full power) to 80

Set AFB to 90 - on reaching 85km/h I get:
1) '85' off
2) 'S' on
...and at the same time...
3) '1000Hz' flashing
...a moment later...
4) 'Stoer' on

I also get the Zwangsbremsung audio followed by the Stoerung audio, so it must be an emergency brake application.

Once the train has stopped I can close the throttle, free the train protection with '.' and the system resets back to '85'
Zuletzt geändert von jwebb am 20.01.2020 20:59:34, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

F. Schn.
Beiträge: 6823
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Unexpected 85km/h limit

#6 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

This is how I do it:

F4->Enter train
Wait until green circle (Zp9)
Close doors (Press Pos1 twice)
Set mouse wheel to maximum (Power controller)
Wait untill 70 and 85 starts flashing
Press , (PZB frei)
Keep Confirming Sifa

I reach 85 km/h at km 100,4

Exit Test at Abzw Siekweg in km 102 without getting an emergency break.

Do you have standard settings? What is your Zusi version?
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Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 20.01.2020 13:11:21

Re: Unexpected 85km/h limit

#7 Beitrag von jwebb »

Solved! The clue was you asking about my settings. I had the 'No restrictive mode of PZB90' checked (I had been running in beginners mode). This appears to prevent the correct operation of the PZB when starting the train (no flashing 70 and 85 and the 'PZB frei' has no effect). Once I unchecked the box, I had the same result as you.

Thank you again for your help!

F. Schn.
Beiträge: 6823
Registriert: 24.10.2011 18:58:26

Re: Unexpected 85km/h limit

#8 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

jwebb hat geschrieben:this appears to prevent the correct operation of the PZB
I reported this Bug and it will be fixed in the next version. Thanks for your help.
Zuletzt geändert von F. Schn. am 05.02.2020 16:37:07, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Diese Signatur möchte folgendes bekannter machen: ZusiWiki · ZusiSK: Streckenprojekte · YouTube: Objektbau für Zusi · euirc: Zusi-Chat
