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Try Zusi in wideview mode. You won't regret it!

Verfasst: 13.06.2004 10:27:52
von manolis
Hi all,
If you have a display card that supports dual monitors (like my old cheap
GE-force MX 400) you may want to try Zusi in Wideview mode. You will be amazed. Here is how to do this:
- Through windows display-settings set a 'Dual-screen' resolution,
say 2048x768, and enable extended mode.
- Start Zusi in 'window' mode ('Fenstermodus'). Once you are ready with
route, plan etc. and ready to go, you can enjoy an expanded view
spread across two screens in one of the following ways:
a) Clicking the 'maximize' button. This will force Zusi to take up the
whole available space across the two screens. This also will work
both with or without the cockpit panel visible. In the rare case, where
a few panels cannot be stretched, you can always switch to non-
cockpit view (pressing F4) and THEN click the 'maximize' button.
b) Simply resizing the window yourself until you are happy with the
- You can also start in FullScreen mode but you have more flexibility in
the windowed mode.
I've been using Zusi this way for some time now, using additionaly two
joysticks and I can assure you that this combination along with the
proper setting of fog makes Zusi BY FAR the MOST REALISTIC train
simulator as regards both the trains themselves and the landscape (which
IMHO would not necessarily be more realistic with textures).
Last, I can only imagine how Zusi would look in three-screen mode (currently only matrox supports 3-screens-off-one-card),
and I hope that Carsten will not remove that inherent Wideview-feature from future
versions of Zusi.
Have all fun,