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English translation "Route Editor"

Verfasst: 14.05.2004 21:19:31
von Carsten Hölscher
the english version of the Route-Editor is finished.
Please update to version and download the english files on the Add-On-page or click:

Unzip the achive in the zusi-folder and restart the editor.

Special thanks to Christian Gründler, he did the translation.


Verfasst: 16.05.2004 09:08:06
von Vern
Thanks for that Carsten, I'll take a look ASAP plus mention on my News Page.

Verfasst: 16.05.2004 17:46:03
von Jason-M
Yes thanks Carsten and Christian Gründler.

I will have a look at it and hope to perhaps make a little route.

Now we need some UK traction(cl37) Vern.

Jason M

Verfasst: 16.05.2004 18:17:28
von Carsten Hölscher
class 37 - mmmmhhh... :D :schaffner

Verfasst: 18.05.2004 23:13:17
von Carsten Hölscher
there is an update of the zip-file, please download it again.

Now the editor-documentation is replaced by the english files, so you don't have to move any files to read the English docu.

by the way: Oliver Lamm has worked on the translation as well. Thanks!


Verfasst: 19.05.2004 19:21:09
von Jason-M
Thanks for the info Carsten, downloading now.
Also thanks to Oliver Lamm for the translation.

Verfasst: 20.05.2004 09:37:18
von Bruce Kennewell
I have an interesting "fault" in that when I use the Help button in the editor, I receive an error message to the effect that streckeneditor.htm is not accessible.

Any idea why this would be so and how I correct it?

All the htm documents are there and can be opened by going to them directly.


Verfasst: 21.05.2004 22:58:59
von Jason-M
Yes I have the same problem Bruce, wonder why it does that?

Verfasst: 22.05.2004 03:17:43
von Bruce Kennewell
Jason-M hat geschrieben:Yes I have the same problem Bruce, ...
I know it doesn't help at all, Jason, but just knowing that it's not only me is a relief! :)

Here's another oddity for you:-

Since installing Zusi (six month's ago...or thereabouts), I have an odd situation occur in Paint Shop Pro (version 7).

When I close an image, the program always provides a Windows prop-up prompt as to whether the user wants to save the image, and underneath are the standard Yes, No and Cancel buttons.

Up until Zusi was installed, these messages were in English, obviously.

Since Zusi, the messages are in German! :)

Zusi is taking over my system! :D


Verfasst: 23.05.2004 17:09:57
von Vern
It also associates MSTS wag files with one of the Zusi functions!

Also worth mentioning after my reformat, I've reinstalled Zusi before reinstalling MSTS (or Trainz).

Verfasst: 23.05.2004 20:54:24
von Mirko
Howdie Vern!

That is a funny bug of Windows. But i think if You install Zusi first and MSTS after that it will be exactly inverted and MSTS will take these files. Obviously all the programmers associate the English word "wagon" oder the German "Waggon" with *.WAG


Verfasst: 23.05.2004 22:41:17
von Carsten Hölscher
I have no idea, why you geht German Popups. Zusi does not change any
system-settings. ?(
I know the problem of non-starting documentation, it seems to me as a windows bug, depending on the windows-version and good luck...
Workaround: Starting index.htm in the windows-exporer.


Verfasst: 24.05.2004 00:11:39
von Max Senft

uhm, AFAIK Delphi writes some of the "standard" dialog message straight into the EXE file. That's a stupid Delphi problem.

(But don't beat me, if I'm totally wrong and you mean something else! =) )

Max Senft

Verfasst: 24.05.2004 01:20:25
von Mirko
Howdie Max!

I'm sure Delphi doesn't write anything into Windows or Paintshop Pro dialog boxes! Or obviously Delphi or Zusi does although it should not do so.
You will see how we'll beat You! Bild


Verfasst: 24.05.2004 09:18:15
von Bruce Kennewell
Carsten Hölscher hat geschrieben:...Zusi does not change any system-settings.
It's okay, Carsten....I wasn't concerned about Zusi changing anything...I'm sure that it's something else entirely.

It was just so strange that the first time it happened (the German message in the PSP pop-up) I wondered what on Earth was happening!! 8o

And no worries about the disconnect on the html Help file....I just open up the index and minimise it.

Yes! I noticed that connection with MTS/Zusi .WAG files also!


Verfasst: 25.05.2004 09:24:44
von Vern
I've had the same thing with Nero Burning ROM! The exit message has just appeared in German, though I'm sure it didn't last time I used it. I'll have to go into languages and check the regional settings.

If it is Zusi, must be something in one of the later Route Editor patches as it didn't happen with the basic 2.4 etc. CD install.

Verfasst: 26.05.2004 05:02:12
von Bruce Kennewell
Vern hat geschrieben:...I'll have to go into languages and check the regional settings.
Done all that and nothing had changed at all, Vern.

One of life's mysteries....the "Bermuda Triangle" of Windows!


Verfasst: 26.05.2004 09:23:38
von Vern
I can only think it's something in the registry!

The remainder of the dialogues display correctly, just the prompt on exiting if I want to save the compilation.

Verfasst: 27.05.2004 05:28:28
von Bruce Kennewell
Vern hat geschrieben:The remainder of the dialogues display correctly, just the prompt on exiting if I want to save the compilation.
I also use Nero and get exactly the same effect in that final message window! (Checked it last night as I hadn't used the utility for a while).


german text in psp

Verfasst: 31.05.2004 19:20:31
von Thomas Himmelstrup
Hey everybody

I too have experienced the german text in the exit prompt in Paint shop Pro. I dont have any solution, but I am quite sure this bug came with Zusi, since I dont have any other german programs on my PC.

The wag file asociation, however, is only natural: A program installation installs the software as well as all kinds of additional stuff, including file associations. Any existing association is overridden, thus the latest installed software owns the filetype.

Solution: Dont use any other trainsimulators than the best: Zusi. :)