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Fahrpan Editor

Verfasst: 22.03.2004 16:02:37
von Vern
I was trying to set up a new timetable for the fictional desert (North African?) route last night. I've worked out how to allocate the engine and rolling stock you want to the train, however after setting the origin and destination of the train only the first few locations appear in the right hand window to select as calling/routing points. How do you get the rest of these to appear?

Verfasst: 22.03.2004 16:12:13
von Andreas Karg
You have to choose the locations where the train has to pass and press the button with the arrow pointing to the left. Set up the timetable for these fist locations: No "Ankunftszeit" (time of arrival) means that the train is to pass that location on the time specified in the "Abfahrtszeit" (time of departure). Then select the most bottom entry in the list and click the arrow to the right. Voila: You can now set up the entries for the next locations.

Verfasst: 22.03.2004 17:49:23
von Vern
Easy when you know how!

What a powerful tool, far better than the MTS Activity Editor and the non existent scenario editor in Trainz. Now all we're waiting for is the English translation of the Route Editor instructions and we will be away!

Verfasst: 22.03.2004 19:36:50
von Christian Gründler
Vern hat geschrieben:Now all we're waiting for is the English translation of the Route Editor instructions and we will be away!
Hello Vern,

the translation of the manual "Route Editor part 1" is finished (oops, "only" 98%, to be honest) and "Route Editor part 2" is well under way.


Verfasst: 27.03.2004 23:33:55
von Bruce Kennewell
Christian Gründler hat geschrieben:...the translation of the manual "Route Editor part 1" is finished .....and "Route Editor part 2" is well under way.
We're getting there, slowly, but it's coming together, Vern! :)

(This proof-reading has made me realise just how deep Zusi is; it is incredibly detailed).


Verfasst: 28.03.2004 11:15:50
von (Ar-) T-Rex
The "Fahrplaneditor" is a typical example of "learning by doing".*)

I suggest: look at the existing fpl- and zug-files and compare them with your files, and try, try, try...


*) Its wellknown in the Zusi-community: I hate it and make my train-schedules by "Eindows-Editor" (WordPad and so)...