Manual completely translated into English.

Hey folks, everyone speaking English may write in this category!
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Manual completely translated into English.

#1 Beitrag von dak4483 »

Hi all,
I'm a new member and new owner of Zusi3. Prior to even trying to get into the game I have completely translated the Zusi manual into English using google translate and DeepL. I'm sure there are alot of errors and things that are not real clear but it is sure making understanding the program easier. Its a LARGE file - over 90 Meg. Its in Word doc format. I do not have the capability to edit the diagrams in Chapters 3-11 so those are still in German. Any help with that would be VERY much appreciated for future versions. Also the November update was also incorporated.

If there is a way to make it available to others or if we can make a project of uploading a chapter at a time and making improvements in the translation I would be very happy to do so. I'm sure this would help many who have shied away from Zusi because of its all German language become interested again. I would also say that I VERY much appreciate all the work that was put into the original manual and that is one of the best I have ever seen for a program of this type.
I also assure everyone I have no economic interest in this and have done this solely for my own educational benefit and for others.

I have also made several corrections to the English manual chapters one and two as some of the diagrams in that manual did not match the narrative so the correct diagrams were inserted. Also the end of first paragraph in section made no sense. that was redone from the German counterpart.


Carsten Hölscher
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Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#2 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Meanwhile the google translator is quite good but I am not sure if will produce a result that is useable. Maybe you can show us one or two pages?

Im am using Latex for the Zusi documentation.


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Registriert: 23.11.2021 06:59:29

Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#3 Beitrag von dak4483 »

Well heres a couple of pages. Not sure what you mean that it wouldnt be useable. Im not looking for publication, just a document that people can look thru and get a better idea of what the manual says. At this point its very informal.
The document is 863 pages long. Its a Microsoft word document. The format is kind of wonky. I started with headers and footers but those didnt work out so I eliminated the footers but cant seem to be able to remove the page headers. Maybe someone can help with that.


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Registriert: 23.11.2021 06:59:29

Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#4 Beitrag von dak4483 »

Here is another part of a page. The header at the top that says "Construction of a training Course" on the top left and "the Goal" on the top right is what I would like to get rid of. I put those in hoping to be able to change the header as I went but appeared the same on every page even after editing. Dont know how to fix that.



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Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#5 Beitrag von AndiS »

The samples look clear enough to me which speaks for Google Translate as much as for the original text.

I would split the text in as many parts as you can accept. None of these programs (Microsoft Word, Open Write, Libre Write) was made for whole books with many diagrams in them. With well under 100 pages (or 50?), you do not see a whole range of issues that you see when editing hundreds of pages in a single file.

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33529
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#6 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Is it legal zu use the google translation in my documentation? If yes then I would like to have the text in TeX format if this is possible.


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Registriert: 23.11.2021 06:59:29

Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#7 Beitrag von dak4483 »

I have the complete translation now in both a Word Doc format and Adobe pdf file. Anyone know of how I can post these so that it is available to others? Is there a files section on this board?. Let me know. I would be very happy to share these with others. The Word doc is 88 megs and the Adobe file id 45 megs. They are large files so I dont think emailing them to individuals is possible.


Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33529
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#8 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Let us check the legal question first please.


Max Senft
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Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#9 Beitrag von Max Senft »


as far as I understand the latest questions/answers within the Google Support forum (for example here), the use of Google Translate is free, also for commercial use. The service "Google Cloud Translation" on the other hand is not free.

Nonetheless, in my opinion, every single sentence and as well the paragraphs in context need to be manually checked for correctness. I guess that Google is not aware of all the specific technical terms around railways. :)

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Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#10 Beitrag von Johannes »

Max Senft hat geschrieben: 06.12.2021 20:45:59 Nonetheless, in my opinion, every single sentence and as well the paragraphs in context need to be manually checked for correctness. I guess that Google is not aware of all the specific technical terms around railways. :)
Nor does it know about the official English UI translation and will correspondingly use other terms and labels than the actual UI does. This would also need manual work. But for a machine-translated document this seems nevertheless quite readable; with an appropriate disclaimer it could almost be shipped as is.

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Registriert: 20.09.2011 13:26:52
Wohnort: Wien

Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#11 Beitrag von AndiS »

Andis three cents:

1) I believe that this Google Cloud Translation is the answer to the question regarding the legal status, even if informal. There is no word about restriction in the terms you find when you browse them around the free Google Translate. And then there is Google Cloud Translation where the welcome page has "Try Translation free" and "Contact sales". This one feature AI whild Google Translate is a crowd-based approach.

2) Anybody sitting down on to dig through this will certainly swap the screenshots for their English language version. This brings the translation of the UI into focus. It would simply impair readability to use terms in the text that differ from the screenshot, to describe what you see in the screenshot. Of course, every sentence has to be read once before it gets published, if it gets published.

3) The range of work to put into the further development of this text will influence the tools used. Dan suggests sharing as is. The original manual is created using Tex, not LaTeX. So there is the maximum range of sophistication to choose from.

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Registriert: 09.11.2002 02:00:47

Re: Manual completely translated into English.

#12 Beitrag von F(R)S-Bauer »

in my opinion:

I would be very cautious about this, as German copyright law differs significantly from English/American. It is not to be excluded that a warning lawyer uses this without order of Carsten or Google to warn, simply to make money. This is possible under German law. We do not have fair-use in Europe.


