A couple of questions about Zusi 3

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Registriert: 25.06.2007 09:34:56
Wohnort: Warsaw, Poland

A couple of questions about Zusi 3

#1 Beitrag von Mannerheim »

Hello again :)
I'm waiting impatiently for new part of Zusi to come out and I have some questions about it. Many of them could have been answered elsewhere on forum but my poor knowledge of German language makes me unable to search for them... Sorry. That's why I'm asking here.

1. First, what about shunting? Will it be possible, will collision detection be finally implemented? You know, moving with shunter loco around station while picking up and dropping off cars etc. Just like in MSTS.

2. Cameras. Will there be an option to look around or at least look left and right while in cab (as far as i know there will be only 2D cabs, so I'm thinking about something like in MSTS, three different views : front, left and right, or maybe even "moving head through the window" - good for steam locos and one cab shunters where visibility is low). Now when graphics is great it'll be pleasure to look around. There is so much to see :)

3. Fahrzeugeditor. Can systems other than German be implemented? Polish for example, with (like in electric loco EU07) 43 throttle positions (resistors) and after them few shunt positions (i don't know is this a correct term, it's about weakening of the field excitation of electric engines) operated by separate lever. Many of old polish locos uses this system.

4. Road traffic. Something like "car spawner" in MSTS (I know, Train Simulator again, but it is a nice example :) ) or we still have to simulate traffic with invisible "train" which has shape of cars column?

I think that is all for now... If anyone would be so nice to answer :)
Greetings, Matthias.
Zuletzt geändert von Mannerheim am 08.06.2010 22:11:34, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33496
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
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Re: A couple of questions about Zusi 3

#2 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

1. First, what about shunting? Will it be possible, will collision detection be finally implemented? You know, moving with shunter loco around station while picking up and dropping off cars etc. Just like in MSTS.
Maybe not in the very first version but it has a high priority. It will be more complicated than MSTS because Zusi-trains must be able to perform these operations automatically (if they are not driven manually be you).
2. Cameras. Will there be an option to look around or at least look left and right while in cab (as far as i know there will be only 2D cabs, so I'm thinking about something like in MSTS, three different views : front, left and right, or maybe even "moving head through the window" - good for steam locos and one cab shunters where visibility is low). Now when graphics is great it'll be pleasure to look around. There is so much to see :)
It will be possible to use many cab-views for one loco, for example for "zooming" the instruments.
3. Fahrzeugeditor. Can systems other than German be implemented? Polish for example, with (like in electric loco EU07) 43 throttle positions (resistors) and after them few shunt positions (i don't know is this a correct term, it's about weakening of the field excitation of electric engines) operated by separate lever. Many of old polish locos uses this system.
I think that should be possible.
4. Road traffic. Something like "car spawner" in MSTS (I know, Train Simulator again, but it is a nice example :) ) or we still have to simulate traffic with invisible "train" which has shape of cars column?
I don't see any necessity to create another system for cars. What's the advantage?


Beiträge: 23
Registriert: 25.06.2007 09:34:56
Wohnort: Warsaw, Poland

Re: A couple of questions about Zusi 3

#3 Beitrag von Mannerheim »

Thanks for such a prompt response. These answers satisfied my expectations. Now I'm sure it really is a great simulator, can't wait :)
I don't see any necessity to create another system for cars. What's the advantage?
Hm, sincerely i don't know, maybe old system is good enough. I'll have to learn how to make "traffic trains", maybe it isn't so hard as i thought... You are right, it is not needed in so many places to create new system for this.

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Re: A couple of questions about Zusi 3

#4 Beitrag von Stephan/Taschi »

Carsten Hölscher hat geschrieben:I don't see any necessity to create another system for cars. What's the advantage?
Wäre m. E. einfacher für den Erbauer, einfach in der Streckendatei zu sagen "da fahren jetzt Autos", als im Fahrplan mit X Auto"zügen" hantieren zu müssen. Zudem ließe sich eine vereinfachte Fahrphysik implementieren, dass nicht der vollständige Autopilot mitlaufen muss. Da aber der Autopilot in Zusi 3 m. W. ohnehin sehr abgespeckt wird, stellt sich da aber die Frage nach Einsparpotential...

According to my point of view, it would make things easier for route creators to just tell Zusi where cars should drive in the route file (via car spawners) than to handle loads of "car trains", i. e. false trains for displaying road traffic. In addition, these cars could have simpler physics than trains and don't need the full autopilot. On the other hand, as Zusi 3 will have a smaller / simpler autopilot as far as I know, there's the question of what can be saved this way.

Gruß, / Greetings,

Beiträge: 23
Registriert: 25.06.2007 09:34:56
Wohnort: Warsaw, Poland

Re: A couple of questions about Zusi 3

#5 Beitrag von Mannerheim »

Another set of questions regarding Zusi 3 :
1. What with sky textures? On the screens there are no clouds, will there be possibility to add sky texture? Or at least manually set sky colors?
2. Night driving. On this screen http://www.zusi.de/media/.gallery/main109.jpg" target="_blank night window textures can be seen although it's daytime. So I guess making objects (buildings for example) with day/night textures won't be possible? I read somewhere (i don't remember now where - forum or PowerPoint presentation) about self-illumination...
3. Sounds. In current Zusi version only "inside" sound can be heard, even when camera is outside the train. How it will look in Zusi 3? Can ambient sounds (birds, station crowd, cars etc.) be added? Or sounds of passing-by trains which we can hear in cab.

